
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baju Kurung Raya

No, I'm not doing any sewing at this moment, and yes, fasting come before raya... but I did buy a few cotton fabrics from online (Cotton House Malaysia's links) or brick-and-mortar shops during the hectic short semester which was officially over 2 weeks ago. I went through the motion of final exams, assignments, pre-thesis presentation and writing of the the first three chapters with the help of newly acquired fabrics in my hands (and...  surprisingly, I did very well... Alhamdulillah). However, these fabrics have higher purpose than to be caressed and drooled... they are to be worn... by me!!! and sewn by me!!! Gulp...  The last baju I made was four years ago... I have to do it... my tailors have politely decline and next sem's timetable seems accommodating.

In addition to work, the month of July demand my time and focus in preparing to become GBI facilitator. Since no post will be completed without picture, this tiny, cropped and blurred pic taken from my friend's FB showing me wearing self-made cotton baju kurung during my 2nd year raya at Philadelphia, a gazzilion years ago... :)  so chomel if I may say so... hehe...


Nabella said...

Eh..dulu2 banyak jugak baju cotton kan..ingat ,masa K.F nak pi US..beli kain cotton..jait sendiri ja..baju kurung..zaman semekin..ha ha ha..

faizlily said...

this year pun kena jahit sendiri... sayangkan perca kain tu... tailor selalu lupa nak simpan..

Unknown said...

hi...rajinnye jahit baju sendiri...Xtahu bile nak belajar menjahit.

Klau berkenan dengan my shawl..try la order satu :) Its batik..
And chocolate also...homemade :)

Ok,thank you for being my follower. :)

Anonymous said...

hi kak, have add ur blog n follow u as well. ur sewing is damn amusing. tak boleh tahan. haha

insyaallah, hope to be like u, and the others too(i meant in sewing)


faizlily said...

warna kreatif:memang berkenan, nanti2 yea...
adrenalin: tq for following me. Sewing require practice, practice, practice tapi kalu ashik on-off like me bila restart, memang hasilnye tak best so nak off memanjang... :) Now, I nak gi follow u..