
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hello my little bloggie

it seemed that i lost my blogging voice for a while... if there were anybody lost their way into my blog and found wasting their time, i'd like to offer my sincere apology...
Ahem... i'm no longer the part-time student, the university senate agreed to award me the master degree last december...
... i'm a year older, marking my new year birthday with the most significant gift from BFF; a pedometer, a double ahems and a triple winks....
... after four years, completed my first baju kurung during CNY break with my sewing buddy, my sister. we worked alongside on and off for 3 days and had an amazing discussion on baju kurung with my mother and sister-in-law.
.... and i slowly find the joy of sewing baju kurung.
pic: google
... and also making my own popcorn.


MamaDaniel said...

welcome back... :D
x sabar nak tgk bajung kurung itu... :D

faizlily said...

haha.. x sangka ada juga org menjengah, tima kasih... setakat baju kurung je, kain pun biasa2 je...

Mila@Rimbun said...

salam faizlily.. sedapnya popcorn tuuu yumyum. terasa nak g tgk wayang plak hehe

faizlily said...

salam mila, tq for dropping by, baru tau senang je buat sendiri, satu packet tu boleh dapat 3 1/2 periuk mak masak kuah laksa.. tapi of course la buat skit2 bila nieces/nephews dropped by, the best part we can control how much sugar & butter we use...try la